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Kyong Yoon, PhD
Cultural Studies, English and Cultural Studies
Other Titles: Principal’s Research Chair (Tier 1) in Trans-Pacific Digital Platform Studies; Digital Arts & Humanities Theme Co-coordinatorOffice: CCS 175
Phone: 250.807.8897
Email: kyong.yoon@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Digital media, mobile communication, migration, Korean popular culture, and youth culture.
Courses & Teaching
CULT 215 Cultural Industries; CULT 312 Internet Culture; CULT 313 Transnational Asian pop culture; CULT 410 Asian cinema
Kyong Yoon is a Seoul-born media researcher. His research focuses on digital media, migration, cultural industries, and East Asian youth culture. He is the author of Digital Mediascapes of Transnational Korean Youth Culture and Diasporic Hallyu: The Korean Wave in Korean Canadian Youth Culture. He has co-authored Transnational Hallyu: The Globalization of Korean Digital and Popular Culture. Prior to coming to UBC Okanagan, he was an ESRC postdoctoral fellow at the University of Sheffield, a research assistant professor at Korea University, and a Korea Foundation visiting professor at McGill University.
PhD University of Birmingham (UK); BA Korea University
Selected Publications & Presentations
Yoon, K. (2022). Diasporic Hallyu: The Korean Wave in Korean Canadian Youth Culture. New York: Palgrave.
Jin, D. Y., Yoon, K., and Min, W. (2021). Transnational Hallyu: The Globalization of Korean Digital and Popular Culture. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Yoon, K. (2020). Digital Mediascapes of Transnational Korean Youth Culture. London: Routledge.
Peer reviewed articles & book chapters
Yoon, K. and Labarta Garcia, C. A. (2024). Evolving yet Contentious Transcultural Fanscapes: Peruvian Fans’ Accounts of K-pop and its Fandoms. Media, Culture, & Society, 46(8): 1674-1691
Yoon, K. (2024). Social Imaginaries of Digital Technology in South Korea during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Policy & Internet, 16(2): 458-473.
Yoon, K. & Labarta Garcia, C. A. (2024). Exploring Cultural Hybridity, Questioning Cultural Appropriation: Peruvian Fans’ Responses to Latin Tropes in K-pop. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 27(5): 605–622.
Jin, D.Y., Yoon, K, & Han, B. (2023). Platformization of the Korean Wave: A critical perspective. Communication Research and Practice. 9(4): 408-427.
Yoon, K. (2023). Precarious Eating: Young Koreans’ Digital Practice of Mukbang. In Kim, Y. (Ed). Introducing Korean Popular Culture. Routledge (pp. 254-263).
Yoon, K. (2023). Questioning Platform-Driven Diversity: Diasporic Korean Storytelling on Netflix. International Journal of Communication, 17: 6915–6933.
Yoon, K. (2023). De/constructing the Soft Power Discourse in Hallyu. Communication Research and Practice, 9(3): 341–357
Yoon, K. (2023). Translational Audiences in the Age of Transnational K-Pop. International Journal of Communication 17, 112-129.
Yoon, K. (2022). Between universes: Fan positionalities in the transnational circulation of K-pop. Communication and the Public, 7(4) 188–201.
Yoon, K. (2022). K-pop Trans/nationalism. In Sahoo, A. (Ed.). Routledge Handbook of Asian Transnationalism, Routledge.
Yoon, K. (2022). Diasporic Koreanness in Kim’s Convenience. In Tanter, Marcy and Park, Moisés (Eds.). Here Comes the Flood: Perspectives of Gender, Sexuality, and Stereotype in the Korean Wave. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books (pp. 63–88).
Yoon, K. (2021). North Korean Defectors’ Self-representation as the Politics of Refusal. Critical Arts: South-North Cultural and Media Studies. 35(3): 69–83.
Yoon, K. (2021). Micro-celebrities from the North: Young North Korean Defectors’ Vlogging on YouTube. First Monday, 26(7).
Yoon, K. (2021). Discourse of the Post-COVID 19 New Deal in South Korea. East Asia: An International Quarterly, 38(4): 373–388.
Yoon, K. (2021). K-pop Pedagogy in the Digital Platform Era. International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics, 17(2): 183–190.
Yoon, K. (2021). Digital Dilemmas in the (Post-)pandemic Digital State. Journal of Digital Media and Policy, 12(1): 67–80.
Yoon, K. (2020). Diasporic Korean Audiences of Hallyu in Vancouver, Canada. Korea Journal, 60 (1): 152–178.
Yoon, K., Min, W. & Jin, D. Y. (2020). Consuming the Contra-Flow of K-pop in Spain. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 41(2): 132–147.
Yoon, K. (2019). Transnational Fandom in the Making: K-pop Fans in Vancouver. International Communication Gazette, 18(2): 176–192.
Yoon, K. (2019). Diasporic Youth Culture of K-pop. Journal of Youth Studies, 22(1): 138–152.
Yoon, K. (2019). Discursive Construction of Hallyu-in-North Korea in South Korean News Media. In Kim, Y. (Ed.). South Korean Popular Culture and North Korea. New York: Routledge (pp. 149–161).
Yoon, K. (2018) Global Imagination of K-Pop: Pop Music Fans’ Lived Experiences of Cultural Hybridity. Popular Music and Society, 41(4): 373–389.
Yoon, K. (2018). Multicultural Digital Media Practices of 1.5-generation Korean Immigrants in Canada. Asia and Pacific Migration Journal, 27(2): 148–165.
Yoon, K. (2018). Digital Media and Culture in Korea. In Jin, D. and Kwak, N. J. (Eds.). Communication, Digital Media, and Popular Culture in Korea: Contemporary Research and Future Prospects, Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books (pp. 283–300).
Yoon, K. (2017). Cultural Translation of K-Pop among Asian Canadian Fans, International Journal of Communication, 11: 2350–2366.
Yoon, K. (2017). Korean Migrants’ Use of the Internet in Canada, Journal of International Migration and Integration, 18(2): 547–562
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
Editorial board member, Asiascape: Digital Asia
Editorial board member, Pacific Affairs: An International Review of Asia and the Pacific